April 09, 2004

Fresno Famous, Baby

I have made such sport of Fresno over the years of our friendship that it is but very slight repayment to offer up this link to my friend Bea Dodong: www.fresnofamous.com. Of course, as an attempt a repentence it only looks worse the more you pursue it, since the site clearly quite cool and I'd be linking to it in any case. Fresno Famous, baby. It's the only way to be.

(Put the bags up Bea, so I can tell people to buy the bags. People: The bags are swank! They are made of cool old textboks like The Officer's Handbook and Anatomy of Man! They have ample cell phone room and well-pinked interiors!)

Posted by Diablevert at April 9, 2004 10:55 AM

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