September 10, 2004

Quick Update

Got a temp gig for the rest of the month, so that ought to keep the wolf digging through the takeout menus trying to decide if he wants Mexican or Chinese. The Illustrious is here --- well, not here, exactly, at the moment she’s trolling through the rain-dampened streets of Dublin with a lamp, looking for an honest landlord --- and I saw a blur streak through the apartment a couple days ago, about 5’ 10’, sort of grayish with light patches, which might have been DDK dropping by on his way to the play’s run in Cork. Oh, and my computer, it is broken. So very broken. The repair guy sat me down in a dim and quiet room and whispered phrases like “critical hard drive failure” and “cascading errors” and asked if I wanted to try and salvage the drive contents. This is especially sad, because in my brief moment of hope I had already arranged to get the cable modem hooked up, and my free trial has already begun. So very sad. I can see you all, out there, with your tiny violins. A little pity in a cold cruel world, that’s all I ask. Well, that and a new computer. Maybe I should get an amazon wishlist and put my hope in the kindness of strangers. Or get a webcam and place my trust in far stronger human impulses…

Posted by Diablevert at September 10, 2004 02:34 PM | TrackBack

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