Co-Worker A: "Fine, then. Let's ask Our Boss. Hey, Boss, do you eat bacon?"
Boss: "Sure, sometimes."
Co-Worker A: "But you don't think there's anything wrong with not eating bacon, right?"
Boss: "Sure, I ---"
Co-Worker B: "No, no, no, see --- what if your reason for not eating bacon was because of Wilber from Charlotte's Web?"
Boss: "What?"
Co-Worker A: "That movie really affected me!"
Diablevert buts in, unwanted
Me: "Well, what about spiders? Do you kill them? Because it seems to me like Charlotte was the protagonist of the ---"
Co-Worker A: "No, I do not."
Me: "Would you carry a spider's egg sack around in your mouth, acting as a human incubator? Because Wilber..."
Co-Worker B: "Damn straight. It's a precedent."
Co-Worker A: "Don't you have work to do?"
Me: "I'm just trying to establish the logic of your position, here, from a spirit of philsophical inquiry ---"
Boss: "Wait. Don't you have work to do?
Posted by Diablevert at March 10, 2004 03:20 PM
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