Last night I was working on a story, and I bit stuck with what happens next. I decided to ask my friends for help and see if their replies would help jolt anything loose. So I texted them thusly: "What comes next go* my story, says one stuck and seeking random inspiration. Choose my own adventure."
Rogan and Eclaire said nothing, because they are lame.
Strunk said: Drinks then freelancing then drinks again after that poetry really complicated poetry. And you should do it mostly in your pjs."
Diablevert replied: The answer is YES. This is an automatice answer pre-programmed into my phone, but I concur.
(The conversation then veered off onto other topics, ending, after several hairpin turns, with the exchange:
Strunk: What do they say about the Welsh?
Diablevert That they fuck sheep.
He sort of let it drop there, and I can't really blame him.)
DDK said: What story?
Diablevert replied: Man stuck watching a kid for the weekend at a cheap beach resort. [T]here is a storm.
DDK: Kid goes crazy ape bonkers with hsi drill and sex, leads revolution against 'the man', wears aviator sunglasses and militaristic berets, rids nuns** off into sunset (that was going to be rides motorbike...' but i missed typed and thought it sounded better this way).
I told him I'd have to think on it.
And, lest you think all my friends are weird and unhelpful:
Natasha said: She buys a bag in a charity shoppe and it's filled with [blank] and her whole world changes
Which I think I might actually use some day.
After reading all this, I decided that they build a sandcastle.
*[sic] Damn you, T9 simple text feature! So often the words I choose are your second choice!
** DDK suffers from the same problem, apparently
i got no text-y, lady.
and unless i drunkenly deleted it during hijinx at s_ischer's bday bash, I have no record of it in the inbox...
i demand a resend!
Posted by: eclaire at April 22, 2005 02:53 PM
Will do.
Posted by: Diablevert at April 24, 2005 04:50 PM
I thought we were speaking in metaphors again and you were asking a deep but imprecise question.
Posted by: S. Jones at May 2, 2005 12:31 AM
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